Verses whose meanings are exclusive to the knowledge of Allah Ta'ala taken from Riyadhul Jannah
Both Shaykh Ashraf ‘Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi alayh) and Shaykh Shabbeer Ahmad ‘Uthmani (Rahmatullahi alayh) in their commentaries of the Qur’aan have clarified the position of those who have attempted to explain the meanings of huroofe-muqatta’at. They have mentioned that, in essence, there exists no disagreement between the two groups of Ulama, for both are of the opinion that the ultimate truth lies with Allah Alone.
The belief that we may never be able to know the true meaning behind these letters is shared by all scholars; however, what is unclear is whether the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was informed of their meanings or not.
Both Mufti Shafee and Shaykh Shabbeer ‘Uthmani (rahmatullahi alayhima) have stated that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was aware of the meanings of these letters. This position is highly significant for it provides an answer to the objection which questions the necessity of revealing words whose meanings are unknown even to the recipient. This opinion suggests that these words were intended to remain between Allah and his Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), and not meant to be shared by others. In spite of knowing the meanings, these letters are still not without benefit. The first benefit of these is the reward for reciting them as with any other letters of the Qur’aan. The Hadith of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in this regard is as follows: "One who recites one letter from the book of Allah is entitled to one reward. And one reward (by the Standards of Allah) equals to ten rewards. I do not say that (the entire word) Alif-Lam-Meem is a single letter; but Alif is a (separate) letter, Lam is a (separate) letter and Meem is a (separate) letter."
The utterance of each letter guarantees ten rewards for the reciter; therefore one who recites the word Alif-Lam-Meem becomes deserving of thirty rewards. This is but one opinion.
According to other scholars, since, in the case of huroofe-muqatta’at, each letter is pronounced by its appellation. So in the case of Alif-Lam-Meem for example, since each of three appellations constitutes three separate letters, the reciter of this word shall be entitled to no less than ninety rewards. And the Hadith in question, they argue, refers not to Alif-Lam-Meem which is at the beginning of Sooratul-Baqarah, but the word Alam which appears at the beginning of Sooratul-Feel.
The second rationale behind the revelation of huroofe-muqatta’at is the opportunity provided by these letters to judge and appraise the faith of individuals with respect to the origin of the Qur’aan. It may not be so difficult to believe in something whose meaning is evident and clear; however, what deserves true merit and applause is the unquestioning belief in that whose meaning remains hidden and obscure. These huroofe-muqatta’at are then the touchstones by which the Imaan of people is evaluated in the Court of Allah.
Unflinching and unquestioning belief is what is required by Allah. The strength and firmness of faith should be such that regardless of how irrational or intelligible it may seem to be, one should have full conviction that in reality there is nothing irrational about any aspect of Deen. Those who believe in the teachings of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) unflinchingly and unquestioningly are the true Believers in the Sight of Allah; and those that question at every occasion and seek to examine and evaluate every piece of information with respect to the Sharee’ah only demonstrate the weakness of their Imaan.